+93(0) 700 990 909


1-SSSPO is confronted by the global poverty and suffering. We are deeply affected by the suffering of our brothers and sisters where ever they are and we stand with them on improvements. 2- We stand alongside poor and marginalized in particular to women and children, youths and women communities in solidarity, uniting them in prayer, making their cause our own, sharing our resources, supporting them in their advocacy and challenging the policies and systems which keeps them poor. 3- We build partnership between poor communities overseas and our supporters at home, recognizing the importance of learning from them and trusting each other of receiving as well as giving. We work alongside each other to change our world. 4-We recognize the intimate relationship between protecting and sustaining the environment and promoting human development. We aim to take proper account of ecological sustainability in our work and in lifestyle. 5- We strive to be good stewards of all the resources entrusted to us, openly accountable for our work, systematic in evaluating our impact and effectiveness and professional in managing our resources. 6- Our hope is inspired by Islamic faith and by the strength and resourcefulness of our supporters and donors communities. Our vision is that a better world can and must be achieved so that all can enjoy fullness of life. 7- We believe in the intrinsic dignity of every person. We work with all people regardless of race, gender, religion or politics. We seek to be an inclusive diverse organization which celebrates difference and creates SSSPO’s objective is to respect.